
Love Letter

A special VIP group gift for you!

[Love Letter] Bunting

single and double sided
with just red, just pink and red and pink hearts

- keep in mind to wear the Sway's VIP group tag -
you are not a Sway's VIP member? join us! 
by touching the sign in the Mainstore or search groups for Sway's VIP

100% original Mesh + Material + PBR
copy + modify
(VIP gift: script is not working with 0, that's why it is set to 1 L$ )



Out for Wanderlust
[Bell] Rotary Phone

off-hook and on-hook version
with ring sound by touch

Available in 5 sets with 3
or as a Multipack with all 15 colors

100% original Mesh + Material | copy + modify



Out for Lazy Sunday

[Animal] Topiary

Topiaries with and without lights
Snail in Flowerpot, Flamingo, Dragon, Bunny and Butterfly in Flowerpot.

100% original Mesh + Material
copy + modify



good luck

In some cultures a pig is a lucky charm. So that's why I thought it's a good idea for the first item this year to be a piggy. And the Panda is so cute with it that I could not leave it out. Wish you all a lucky New Year!

Out for Wanderlust
 [Piggy & Panda] Flowerpots with Succulents

with two different succulentes

100% original Mesh + Material | copy + modify